Monday, December 7, 2009

Assignment 2 (Greeting Card)

I decided to make a birthday greeting card for assignment 2. Well, my dad's b'day is on january which is very soon. So i figured i'd make one for him (2 in 1 work). :D I chose this colour because i dislike bright type colours.

I made the balloons using the ellipse tool. I used 3 different fonts for the wish.

Next i draw a box and make it as the present. The ribbon is really tricky...

Finally, wah lah!!! Done :D I'm not really good with all the explanations... Added some more small design pattern using ellipse tool, rectangle tool, etc.

Assignment 1 (E-Wallpaper)

Here's my assignment 1.
Been bz for a while... wah, it's really tiring..