Monday, November 9, 2009

Tutorial 5 Online Exercise

Done, finally!!! Today is very tiring, yesterday I had formatted my laptop to use Windows 7. One thing I forgot was I didn't have my Adobe CS4 installers with me in hostel. I needed it to finish this tutorial. So, after CG class, i rented a car from 'Pooh'. The installer DVD was with my friend back in KL, so I drove all the way there. It was raining very heavily so the traffic was not as fast as usual. After retrieving the DVDs, I drove back to Cyberjaya. I almost had an accident as I drove fast and almost hit a car because the brakes were not functioning well due to the heavy rain. Thank god I'm all right and managed to get back safely!! :D

Anyway, here are my steps on retouching this photo :

-1st, I make several duplicated layers to make different editing for the purpose of seeing the effects

-I played a bit with the colours to make sure that there are a bit contrast.

-I used both Healing Brush Tool and Clone Stamp Tool to make the her skin, hat and cloth smooth. I also used the Clone Stamp Tool to make her teeth even :D

-About her collar, I used Brush Tool for colouring it and used Smudge Tool to make it look a old. so it seems original.

-The same goes for her hair, I used the Brush Tool to colour it black but only on a certain parts. Then I used the Smudge Tools again to even it. I also used the Blur Tool to make it look a bit original.

-For the background colour, 1st I used the Clone Stamp Tool and took the sample from the top right background as it seems as the best sample. Then I used Healing Brush Tool to make it smooth at the edges.

-Lastly, I played again with the whole image colour to see which would look better.

-I cropped the image using the Rectangle Marquee Tool.

-Well, that's all I could remember after about two hours of photo retouching ;)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tutorial 4 Photo Retouching Practice

Top picture (Before):
This is the picture before I use the photo retouching technic. I found this photo names Onyx Antelope in my Windows Vista Ultimate sample picture folder. So, anyone using this OS will also have this picture inside their sample pictures folder.

Bottom picture (After):
I followed the tutorial on how to get rid of the swimmer (in this case, the antelope). Well, it worked!!! If viewed closely, it will seem a bit messy because of the colour tone. This is only a practice, so I hoped to do better on next week. :D

Tutorial 3: Online class - Design face with computer components (5%)

This is the first assignment using adobe photoshop, to design a face using computer components.
I'm very new to the software. All I did was find some suitable computer components, insert the image and sort them layers by layers, and arrange them in order. I still don't know how to resize the images though. So, this image is kinda dorky. LOL!! :D

Eyebrows = USB Thumbdrive
Compact Disc = Eyes
External HD = Ears
Monitor = Face
Mouse = Nose
Ram = Mouth