Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tutorial 4 Photo Retouching Practice

Top picture (Before):
This is the picture before I use the photo retouching technic. I found this photo names Onyx Antelope in my Windows Vista Ultimate sample picture folder. So, anyone using this OS will also have this picture inside their sample pictures folder.

Bottom picture (After):
I followed the tutorial on how to get rid of the swimmer (in this case, the antelope). Well, it worked!!! If viewed closely, it will seem a bit messy because of the colour tone. This is only a practice, so I hoped to do better on next week. :D

1 comment:

  1. It's good. Yes, always provide References for the image you take. For next Monday exercise, out of 5%, 1 % is allocated for using Adjustment layer technique. Make sure you can show it at your exercise by putting Notes (it's Bonus marks if you figure it out how to use it at: or type 5 points under the spars.jpg portrait for example to specify:

    1. Removing what using what tool.

    2. Adjustment layer at where.

    3. Retouch using what technique or tool.

    4 & 5 etc

    All the best!
